26 Apr 2024
Earlier I wrote a post about How to create your own self-hosted YouTube. When I wrote the post, you could grab the channel ID rather simple. You just opened a video on the channel, and then clicked the channel name just below the video. Then you would have the channel ID in the URL, like this:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6OQ3DkcsbYNE6H8uQQuVA
This method seems to have stopped working however, so let's do it another way.
Replace USERNAME with the channel name, and YOUR_API_KEY with your API key. If you don't have an API key, I have described how to get one here: How to get your YouTube API key.
'kind': 'youtube#channelListResponse',
'etag': '0OJX0B6esbO3cdBfycAScSh5cPM',
'pageInfo': {
'totalResults': 1,
'resultsPerPage': 5
'items': [
'kind': 'youtube#channel',
'etag': 'xcfFMDuM69tPJiFWrWlfpwuDcqA',
'id': 'UCjFqcJQXGZ6T6sxyFB-5i6A'
Load the JSON into a variable and you can access the ID like this:
id = response['items'][0]['id']
import json
import requests
URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?key=' + APIKEY + '&forUsername=' + USERNAME + '&part=id'
request = requests.get(URL)
response = json.loads(request.content)
The Python script above will output something similar to this:
'kind': 'youtube#channelListResponse',
'etag': '0OJX0B6esbO3cdBfycAScSh5cPM',
'pageInfo': {
'totalResults': 1,
'resultsPerPage': 5
'items': [
'kind': 'youtube#channel',
'etag': 'xcfFMDuM69tPJiFWrWlfpwuDcqA',
'id': 'UCjFqcJQXGZ6T6sxyFB-5i6A'
I don't recommend storing your credentials directly in your scripts. Instead I store my credentials in a .env-file. You can read how I use them here: Using .env-files for storing credentials.
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