Simplest way to remove EXIF data from an image using Python

18 Sep 2024

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) data is information that is embedded within digital images and is automatically generated by digital cameras and smartphones. This data includes information such as the date and time the image was taken, the camera make and model, the shutter speed, ISO settings, and GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken. While this information can be useful for organizing and cataloging personal photo collections, it can also pose a risk to privacy and security when shared online.

The importance of removing EXIF data from images published online lies in the potential risks that it poses to personal privacy and security. EXIF data can reveal sensitive information such as the location of where a photo was taken, the type of device used, and even the owner's identity. This information can be used by cyber criminals for malicious purposes, such as tracking an individual's movements or using personal data for identity theft. Additionally, some social media platforms automatically extract and store EXIF data from uploaded images, which may compromise the user's privacy.

You can easily remove the EXIF data using Python. Utilizing the Python Imaging Library package (PIL), which can easily be installed with pip install pillow, you can remove the EXIF data with 4 simple lines of code. You can do it like this:
from PIL import Image
im ='image-with-exif.jpg')
im.getexif().clear() # Removes the data'image-without-exif.jpg')

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