The Seven Restful Controller Actions in Laravel

5 May 2024

Here are the 7 different RESTful actions:

  1. Create
  2. Delete
  3. Edit
  4. Index
  5. Show
  6. Store
  7. Update
And here is how you could implement them in a Laravel controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\Post;

class PostController extends Controller
	public function create()
		// Shows a view to create a new resource

	public function destroy()
		// Delete the resource

	public function edit()
		// Show a view to edit an existing resource

	public function index()
		// Render a list of a resource.
		$posts = Post::latest()->get();

		return view('post.index')
			->with('posts', $posts);

	public function show($id)
		// Show a single resource.
		$post = Post::findOrFail($id);

		return view('')
			->with('post', $post);

	public function store()
		// Persist the new resource

	public function update()
		// Persist the edited resource

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